Patricia’s z80 Snippets

Over the next few months I will be adding to this series of code snippets to help people make games on the spectrum next, so make sure you check back every now and then, or you could leave a comment and get notified when I post again!

Snippet 1

This little piece of code will let you check to see which scanline the beam is on as it draws the screen, so rather than using interrupts we can wait for any vertical position on the screen.

In your main loop, after you have done all your game code, you can wait for the beam to be offscreen and then go around the main loop again!

						call	ReadRaster		// check the current scan line
						ld	a,192			// check for 192
						cp	l			// are we at 192 yet
						jp	nz,WasteLoop 		// nope so waste cycles	
						jp	MainLoop		// do the whole thing black and blue again and again
So to the snippet

This code will read the scan line and return the value in HL, its all commented so there is not much more to say.

// Read the current Raster into HL
// Out:			hl = raster line on the screen
// Dirty 		a,bc

						ld	a,$1e		// select the Active video line (MSB)
						ld	bc,$243b	// set bc to $243b select the NEXT register to read the video line
						out	(c),a		// tell the hardware we are going to read the video line
						ld	bc,$253b	// set bc to $253b so we can access the read value
						in	a,(c)		// so now read the port $253b	NextREG data/value
						and	1		// mask off the Active line MSB
						ld	h,a		// store the high part in h for returning					
						ld	a,$1f		// now read LSB of the Active raster line LSB (0-255)
						ld	bc,$243b	// as before set bc to $243b select the NEXT register
						out	(c),a		// tell the hardware we now want to read the register $1f
						ld	bc,$253b	// set bc to $253b so we can access the read value for the last time
						in	a,(c)		// read the register	
						ld	l,a		// and store in the low part of hl

Snippet 2

The next snippet will generate pseudo random numbers, that can be used in many places in your game, such as determining baddie behaviour or just making things look more organic with a little random variance. In my shoot em’ up I am using a random number to rotate and flip my explosion sprites, so they don’t all look the same.

						call	getRandom				// get the random number	
						ld	a,l					// I only need the low part 
						and	%00001110				// mask off the rotations and mirrors
						ld	(ix+object.mirrorRotateBits),a		// bit 3 = X mirror, bit 2 = Y mirror, bit 1 = Rotate
So to the snippet

This code will generate a pseudo random number return the value in HL, its all commented so again there is not much more to say.

// 16bit pseudo random number using the xor shift method 
// out	hl	pseudorandom number
// dirty 	none

randomSeed:					dw	%0101101001100101		// seed (number) to start with

						push	af
						ld 	hl,(randomSeed) 		// get the last seed
						ld	a,h				// add high byte register		
						rra					// rotate right accumulator with carry
						ld	a,r				// adding in the Memory Refresh Register
						add	a,l				// now do the same with the low seed byte
						rra					// rotate right accumulator with carry again
						xor	h				// exclusive or high seed byte with the accumulator 
						ld	h,a				// put the accumulator into the high seed
						ld	a,l				// and put the low seed into the accumulator 
						rra					// rotate right accumulator with carry again
						ld	a,h				// do the same with the high using the carry from the low
						rra					// rotate right accumulator with carry again	
						xor	l				// exclusive or low seed byte with the accumulator 
						ld	l,a				// yes store the accumulator in the low seed byte
						xor	h				// exclusive or high seed byte with the accumulator 
						ld	h,a				// now store the accumulator in the high seed byte
						ld	(randomSeed),hl			// and store as the next seed
						pop	af

In the past I have used a pseudo random number generator like this to make random levels that always come out exactly the same. Simply by setting the seed before I generate the level, I was able generate an identical sequence of random numbers which saved space as the whole level was just a 16 bit seed. Likewise on other games I have called the random number generator in the main loop which produced a more random set of random numbers.

Snippet 3

Now lets talk about the DMA, which is a fast processor to move large amounts of data pretty quickly, the data destination could be a ZX spectrum next system register, or another address in memory.

The DMA functions are quite self explanatory as I have used binary notation and I have added // 76543210 comments above so you can see which bits are being set, enabling you to learn more about the DMA in the docs.

The first function I use to upload sprites to the FPGA.

note on the DMA docs page

Since core 3.1.2 the zxnDMA is mapped to Datagear DMA Port ($xx6B / 107), and Zilog-DMA mode is mapped to MB02 DMA Port ($xx0B / 11).

// Function:	Upload a set of sprites
// In:		a 	= dest sprite shape to start at
//		de 	= length of data
//		hl 	= shape data

		define	PORT_DMA_DATA	$6b	// labled zxnDMA  in the docs

dmaSprites:	ld	bc, $303b		// tell the hardware the next value is a sprite slot
		out	(c),a			// write the the slot
		ld	(dmaSpriteSource),hl	// set the source address	
		ld	(dmaSpriteLength),de	// now set the length of the data	
		ld	hl,dmaSpriteCode	// now start the transfer by copying the dma
		ld	b,dmaSpriteCodeLen	// code to the DMA processor which will
		ld	c,PORT_DMA_DATA		// start as soon as all the data has gone 
		otir				// through the port
// actual sprite DMA code 

dmaSpriteCode:		db $83			// DMA Disable
			//  76543210
			db %01111101		// WR0-Transfer mode, A -> B, write adress + block length
dmaSpriteSource:	dw 0			// WR0-Port A, Start address (source address)
dmaSpriteLength:	dw 0			// WR0-Block length (length in bytes)
			//  76543210
			db %01010100		// WR1-read A time byte, increment, to memory, bitmask
			db %00000010		// WR1-Cycle length port A
			//  76543210
			db %01101000		// WR2-write v, Port B address is fixed, Port B is IO
			db %00000010		// WR2-Cycle length port B		
			//  76543210
			db %10101101 		// WR4-Continuous mode (use this for block tansfer), write dest adress
			dw PORT_SPRITE		// WR4-Dest address (destination address)
			//  76543210
			db %10000010		// WR5-Restart on end of block, RDY active LOW (STOP)
			//  76543210
			db %11001111		// WR6-Load
			db %10000111		// WR6-Enable DMA
dmaSpriteCodeLen	equ endSpriteDmaCode-dmaSpriteCode	// calculate the length of the dma code

The next one is a modification of the above function to transfer blocks of memory from one place to another.

// Function:	DMA block of memory from one location to another
// In:		hl 	= source address
//		de 	= address of destination
//		bc 	= length of data

dmaBlock:		ld	(dmaBlockSource),hl		// same process as above setting the source
			ld	(dmaBlockLength),bc		// and length of the data,
			ld	(dmaBlockDest),de		// but this time its not a port so we have a dest address
			ld	hl,dmaBlockCode		// now set start the transfer by copying the dma
			ld	b,dmaBlockCodeLen		// code to the DMA processor which will
			ld	c,PORT_DMA_DATA		// start as soon as all the data has gone 
			otir				// through the port

// actual block DMA code 

dmaBlockCode:	db $83			// DMA Disable
			//  76543210
			db %01111101		// WR0-Transfer mode, A -> B, write adress + block length
dmaBlockSource:		dw 0			// WR0-Port A, Start address (source address)
dmaBlockLength:		dw 0			// WR0-Block length (length in bytes)
			//  76543210
			db %01010100		// WR1-read A time byte, increment, to memory, bitmask
			db %00000010		// WR1-Cycle length port A
			//  76543210
			db %01010000		// WR2-write v, memory address is increments, Port B is IO
			db %00000010		// WR2-Cycle length port B		
			//  76543210
			db %10101101 		// WR4-Continuous mode (use this for block tansfer), write dest adress
dmaBlockDest:		dw 0			// WR4-Dest address (destination address)
			//  76543210
			db %10000010		// WR5-Restart on end of block, RDY active LOW (STOP)
			//  76543210
			db %11001111		// WR6-Load
			db %10000111		// WR6-Enable DMA
dmaBlockCodeLen		equ endBlockDmaCode-dmaBlockCode	// calculate the length of the dma code

It should be said that I got the original DMA code from a demo in cSpect, and used it to learn, then modified to suit my needs.

One interesting thing you can do with the DMA is clear a block of memory like this.

			// use the DMA to clear a block of memory
			ld	hl,characterScreen	// destination address
			ld	(hl),0			// write zero to the destination
			ld	de,hl			// copy the source address to the destination
			inc	de			// increment the destination
			ld	bc,$a00-1		// how many bytes to clear
			call	dmaBlock		// now use the dma to clear

Snippet 4

Time for jump tables I think, in c++ or most other higher level languages we could use a switch case statement, were each case is handled based on the type of animation, like this.

// animation types
	#define		ANIM_TYPE_NONE		0
	#define		ANIM_TYPE_LOOP		1
	#define		ANIM_TYPE_SINGLE	2
	#define		ANIM_TYPE_PING		3
	#define		ANIM_TYPE_PONG		4
	#define		ANIM_TYPE_STOP		5

void animate()
		.... some code
		.... some code
		.... some code

In z80 we could do many compares and branches like this.

	ld	a,(ix+object.animationType)
	ret	z
	jp	z,animateLoop
	jp	z,animateSingle
	jp	z,animatePing
        .... more compares and jumps

but this works out at about 17 t-states per compare and jump, so we could not have many options before it eats most of the t-states.

So is there a faster way to do this in z80?

Yes we can use what we call a jump table which is a method of transferring program control (branching) to another part of a program based on an index.

// animation types

animJumpTable:	dw	noAnimate				//ANIM_TYPE_NONE
								dw	animateLoop					//ANIM_TYPE_LOOP
								dw	animateSingle			//ANIM_TYPE_SINGLE
								dw	animatePing			//ANIM_TYPE_PING
								dw	animatePong				//ANIM_TYPE_PONG
								dw	animateShip				//ANIM_TYPE_SHIP
								dw	animateCase				//ANIM_TYPE_CASE
								dw	animateDelete			//ANIM_TYPE_DELETE
								dw	notEnded	

Animate:				ld	a,(ix+object.animationType)		// get the type of animation
								ld	hl,animJumpTable			// address of the jump table
								add	hl,a					// add the offset to the base of the table
								add	hl,a					// times 2 for words on the jump table
								ld	de,(hl)					// get the address
								ld	hl,de					// move to hl so we can jump
								jp	(hl)					// jump to the animation function
								// looping animation	
animateLoop:	.... some animation code

noAnimate:			ret   
								// ping of the ping pong animation	
animatePing:	.... some animation code

So this works out at about 30 t-states no matter which type of animation function is needed, I am using this method for other things like baddie control (ix+object.BaddieType) and option selections.

Anyhow jump tables are your friend so enjoy!

Snippet 5

If branching on z80 appears a little confusing then how about some macros to make things a little clearer? Especially if you are coming from a 6502 background.

Obviously you can call these what you want but these names make sense to me.

		// jump if less than
		macro	jle	address
		jp		c,address

		// jump if greater than
		macro	jgt	address
		jp		nc,address
		// jump if equal
		macro	jeq	address
		jp		z,address

		// jump if not equal 
		macro	jne	address
		jp		nz,address

		// jump if signed
		macro	js	address
		jp		m,address

		// jump if not signed				
		macro	jns	address
		jp		p,address
		ld	a,0
		cp	0
		jeq	someBranchAddress

		ld	a,100
		cp	50
		jle	anotherBranchAddress

Snippet 6

Have you heard of self-modifying code? Self-modifying code is code which achieves its goal by rewriting itself as it goes. It’s a common trick in games programming, particularly in low level languages like assembler.

One use is modifying a call

In z80 we have some indirect jumps using jp (hl), jp (ix) and jp (iy) which are great if you don’t want to return to the next line, but what do we do if we want to just call a function from data and then return to the next line?

This is where self modifying code can help like this, the address from the object gets written into the address of the call, then the call calls the function and returns to the next line.

The hex in memory for a a call to address $FF00 would be CD 00 FF, so by modifying the call+1 writes the address into memory leaving the call (CD) opcode un touched.

initFunction:   ...                                        // more code

callInit:       ld    hl, (ix + object.initFunction)       // get the address of the init
                                                           // function
                ld    (.callLine + 1), hl                  // self modifying code
.callLine:      call  $FF00                                // the $FF00 gets modified with the
                                                           // address of the init function	
                ...                                        // more code 

Workaround using indirect jumps

When the processor does a call it first puts the return address (next line of code) onto the stack and then does the call, so we can use that to our advantage by putting our own return address on the stack then doing a jump, so its our return address that gets pulled on the ret from the jump, making it act like a call.

initFunction:    ...                          // more code
                 ret                          // this will return to nextLineAddress    
callInit:        ld    hl,nextLineAddress
                 push  hl
                 ld    ix,initFunction
                 jp    (ix)
nextLineAddress: ...                         // more code

Self-modifying Add

Here, I can’t use (iy+brainS.xOffset) because IY will be the new ammo object and I would need create the ammo and then add the offset to the ammo, as you see IX and IY are in use, so using self-modifying code I can store the value I need in an immediate add.

                    ld      hl,(iy+brainS.xOffset                  // get the sprite offset
                    ld      (.xStart+2),hl                         // modify the code below
                    call    baddieFireAmmo                          // this corrupts IY
                    pop     ix					
                    ld      hl,(ix+object.xPos)                     // get the X position of the baddie
                    // the next line the zero becomes the
                    // previous (iy+brainS.xOffset)
.xStart:            add      hl,0                                    // add the offset on the new ammo
                    ld      (iy+object.xPos),hl                      // store X in the new ammo

Self-modifying Compare

This one I use to load the data from one memory bank and place it in a compare for another memory bank (both banks mapped to $c000).

                    ld      a, (ix+object.bezierIndex)               // get the index of the object
                    ld      (.indexCmp+1),a                          // store for action compare 
                    MEM      PATHS_BANK                              // get paths bank using macro

                    ld      b,4                                      // check 4 actions
.checkAll:          ld      a,(hl)                                   // get the count for actions
.indexCmp:          cp      0                                        // check against count
                    jp      z,.foundAction                           // they are the same
                    inc     hl                                       // next action
                    djn     .checkAll                                // do them all

Obviously, these are just a cut down versions of my code for demonstration purposes.

More to come soon so please come back.