TX-1696 is Now available

Hey all, A short but sweet post to let you know that you can go buy this beautiful game & the soundtrack on download or physical!

I’ve separated the shop out from LuckyRedFish.com. https://technoshedsoftware.com/ is there as a store front only and allows you to buy:

Physical Edition of TX-1696,
Download & PrintEdition of TX-1696,
Download of Soundtrack for TX-1696,
Vinyl preorder of soundtrack for TX-1696.

For international (outside UK) buyers:
We’ve done 2 things to help:

1. We’ve created an ebay store which is enrolled in the Global Shipping program. This means customs and international post are handled for us. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204783735812
2. We’ve added all the artwork to the download – so Download and print means that with a little effort you have everything you need to create your own physical copy.

LuckyRedFish.com will remain as a portal to all things TX-1696 – reviews comments and tips will all be posted there – including yours I hope!

If you are looking for the demo of TX-1696 you can find it here.

Thanks again for your patience,

Rich, Bret and Patricia (The TX-Team!)