TX-1696 is out and available to purchase NOW!

Hey all, A short but sweet post to let you know that you can go buy this beautiful game & the soundtrack on download or physical!

I’ve separated the shop out from LuckyRedFish.com. https://technoshedsoftware.com/ is there as a store front only and allows you to buy:

Physical Edition of TX-1696,
Download & PrintEdition of TX-1696,
Download of Soundtrack for TX-1696,
Vinyl preorder of soundtrack for TX-1696.

For international (outside UK) buyers:
We’ve done 2 things to help:

1. We’ve created an ebay store which is enrolled in the Global Shipping program. This means customs and international post are handled for us. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204783735812
2. We’ve added all the artwork to the download – so Download and print means that with a little effort you have everything you need to create your own physical copy.

LuckyRedFish.com will remain as a portal to all things TX-1696 – reviews comments and tips will all be posted there – including yours I hope!

Thanks again for your patience,

Rich, Bret and Patricia (The TX-Team!)

One thought on “TX-1696 is out and available to purchase NOW!”

  1. TX-1696 is one of the few Next games that has hit the mark in every respect. Shooters are all too often loose and hollow, coming across as if they’ve been put together by someone who’s never seen one in action, let alone spent time playing them.
    TX ‘feels’ right, the enemy movement patterns are there, the way they fire back is true arcade style, the power-up choice mechanic is novel, and the difficulty is pitched right. This is a game created by – and, by extension, created for – someone who not only LIKES shoot-’em-ups, but who RESPECTS the genre. Great work,

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